Hey there!

I'm a Software Engineer who is passionate about building applications, whether they be web, mobile or desktop. Most of my current work is centered around the web platform, and I am looking into exploring desktop development in the near future.

Please explore my website to learn more about me, my projects and my experience. And check out some of my other socials below.

Throughout my personal projects and professional work, I have gained experience using the following technologies:

  • HTML / CSS / JavaScript
  • React / Svelte
  • NextJS / SvelteKit / Astro
  • C# / Rust / Java
  • Xamarin

Although most of my experience is with web development, I am also interested in other areas such as desktop and mobile development. I have a keen interest in Tauri and plan to use it to build my final project at University.


  1. Full-Stack Developer at BeMoreSocial

    Working to improve the BeMoreSocial platform and create new features. Also using my experience from University to help improve development practices.

  2. Studying Software Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University

    Learning about various software development practices and methodologies. And gaining experience using a variety of technologies, focusing on all aspects of the software development lifecycle.

  3. Study Abroad at Reutlingen University in Germany

    Learning about German culture and language, and gaining experience working in another country. I studied modules in Cloud, Web and Distributed Systems to gain a better understanding of the software development lifecycle. Alongside this, I also worked part time at BeMoreSocial.

I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a Software Engineer. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to collaborate on a project.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio!